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Home BUSINESSIndustrial output declines, retail sales grows in Finland
Tue, 15 Jan, 2013 03:18:02 AM
FTimes Report, January 14


Helsinki,  –Finland’s retail trade sales grew by 4.6 per cent in November last year compared to its corresponding month of the previous year while industrial output declined for the fourth month in a row in November, data released by Statistics Finland showed.

The Finnish statistics authorities said on Monday that the retailtrade sales grew by 4.6 per cent year-on-year in November from November 2011.

The volume of sales, from which the impact of prices has been eliminated, grew by 1.4 per cent in retail trade over the same period.
In daily consumer goods trade, sales grew by 5.4 per cent and in department store trade by 4.6 per cent year-on-year, said the department. In contrast, wholesale trade sales went down by 1.5 per cent, Motor vehicle sales marked a drastic decline by 27.3 per cent in the last twelve months up to November.Finland's industrial output declined for the fourth month in a row in
November and at a faster pace, according to statistics released earlier.

Industrial output fell a working-day adjusted 1.9 percent year-on-year in November faster than the 0.3 per cent decline seen in October. In September, output fell by 2.7 percent.
Electrical and electronics industry have shown the most output decline by 21 percent while the mining sector witnessed an 8.7 per cent decrease. The metal industry output shrank by 7.3 percent. Production in the chemical industry, however, marked a 12.2 per cent rise and its output rose 3.6 per cent in the forest industry.

Industrial output fell a seasonally adjusted 0.5 percent in November after rising 0.6 percent in October.


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