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Home BUSINESSECB opens door to reduce further interest rate
Fri, 08 Feb, 2013 02:05:07 AM
STT-Reuters-AFP Report, February 7


The European Central Bank (ECB) on Thursday left the door open to further reduce interest rates, estimates research director Aki Kangasharju Nordea . 
Strengthening of the euro falls on imported goods prices, which gives the ECB leeway. The central bank's main task is to keep prices in check. 
- If inflation is waning, can afford to cut interest rates, and the way to revive, Kangasharju said STT. 
ECB President Mario Draghi said that the central bank is closely monitoring the impact of the euro appreciation. He did not, however, have been concerned about the rise in share prices, as now move to the long-term average. 
- The appreciation is kind of a sign that confidence in the euro is restored. 
The ECB key interest rate remained unchanged at 0.75 percent on Thursday as expected
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