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Home BUSINESSAlko CEO speaks for release of Channel 4 beer
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Sun, 17 Feb, 2013 03:54:11 AM
FTimes-STT Report, February 17


The Chief Executive Officer of Alko, Hille Korhonen on Saturday said that the Health and welfare authority should not impose ban on sale and marketing of Channel 4 beer considering the demand of the people.

Replying to the queries of the authority regarding the Channel 4 bear, the Alko CEO referring to a survey of the Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT) said that 63 percent people wanted that the beer should be remained in the market.

He also said that the release of the channel 4 beer would help to create job opportunity, reduce price and survive the small shop.

Korhonen, however, said that the study was funded by brewing and grocery stores.

Talking to the STT, the Alko CEO said that it would create a positive attitude towards the release of fourth beer.

He said that the policy of  Alcohol is to reduce the overall consumption.

Complex of beer liberalization would take things in the opposite direction.

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