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Home BUSINESSMariMatic to build wastepipe system in Mecca
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Mon, 18 Feb, 2013 01:54:43 AM
Finnish company engaged in millions Euro project in SKA
FTimes-STT Report, February 18


Finnish company, MariMatic has got an order from Kingdom of Saudi  Arabia to build up a waste pipe collection system in Mecca.

The Saudi authority made the order to engage the Finnish company for installation of the system in Masjid al haram, the largest mosque in the world.

The Chief Executive Officer of the MariMatic,  Göran Sundholm said that the mosque will be for arranging accommodation for more visitors and four million more visited would be accommodated there after completion of the extension works.

The company will undertake a test performance  before starting the main installation works and Marimatic already had invested Euro 10 million for the feasibility test of the project.

Marimatic is expected to set up pipe in the Mosque,s Old and new portion and the works scheduled to be prepared by the year  2013 and 2014. There is much more possibility to be continuously engaged in the work due to open up new extension.

MariMatic is completely a export oriented company which has already subsidiaries in Sweden, Spain and France. The wastepipe installation project is expected to be the largest waste pipe collection system in the world.

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