Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSHouse rent increased by 3.7 percent
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Sat, 09 Mar, 2013 12:05:22 AM
FTimes Report, March 9

The rent of residential houses increased by 3.7 percent in the year 2012 compared to the previous year, according to the Statistics Finland.

The report of the Statistics Finland  released here on Friday said that the rents of non-subsidized  dwellings also increased in the whole country on an average of 3.8 percent.

In greater Helsinki the rents of non-subsidized rental dwellings increased by 4.7 percent while the rent increased by 3.2 percent in the rest of Finland.

The report said that the rents of government-subsidized rental dwellings increased by 3.6 percent in the whole country.

The average rent  of per square metre  non-subsidized rental dwellings was EUR 11.98 in the whole country while the rent of non-subsidized dwellings was EUR 15.33 per square metre in  greater Helsinki.

The average rent per square metre of government-subsidized dwellings was EUR 10.25 per square metre in the whole country and EUR 11.26 in the greater Helsinki.

In Helsinki the rents of non-subsidized rental dwellings increased by 4.9 percent, in Espoo by 4.4  percent and in Vantaa by 3.8 percent.

The rent increased in Tampere by 2.6 percent, Jyväskylä by 2.9 percent, in Turku by 3.2  percent, in Lahti by 3.4 percent and in Kuopio by 4.2 percent.

The data  was derived from Statistics Finland’s annual statistics on the rents of dwellings.

The statistics are based on interview data collected in connection with the Labour Force Survey and data obtained from the Social Security Institution’s housing register. Statistics on rents of dwellings include some 248,000 rental dwellings, the report added.


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