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Home BUSINESSGovt bans open ads of alcoholic products
Wed, 10 Apr, 2013 02:31:19 AM
FTimes-STT Report, April 10


The government has decided to ban open advertisement of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, reported YLE on Wednesday.
The new Social and Health Policy of the government requires imposition of the restriction. 
According to YLE information, the policy prohibited display of ads of alcohol and alcoholic beverages at bus, bus stands, subways, trams, and other public places. The radio will be allowed to air advertisements of the products only after 21:00pm.
Photo Lehtikuva
In addition, alcohol-themed games on Facebook will also be banned. The restrictions are aimed at protecting children and young people from the influence of such advertisements.
Alcoholic beverage companies, however, will be allowed to sponsor sports events.
Earlier on April 6, search engine operator and online marketing company Google decided to stop running advertisements of alcohol and alcoholic beverages in Finland from Tuesday.
The decision follows introduction of a new rule by Google in its advertisement policy that bans advertisement of alcoholic products.
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