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Home BUSINESSHalf of Finns unwilling to bear liability of weak EU economies
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 12:10:58 AM
FTimes-STT Reports, April 23


Photo Lehtikuva
Around 50 per cent people of the country want Finland not to bear the burden of weak member states of the European Union and believe that the weak countries should quit the bloc, found an opinion poll conducted early this month by the TNS Gallup.
More than 65 per cent of the respondents voted for cost-cut measures and a strict financial policy.
Only 13 per cent of the respondents believed in making a closer economic union by shouldering the liability and debts of the weak EU economies.
Sixty-nine per cent of the respondents expected a solution to the [labour] market crisis involving moderately high wages while one-sixth of them demanded higher wages in the next labour market solution. 
Most of the respondents also demanded necessary corrective moves for removing social disparity, discrimination in income, and unemployment problems.
The TNS Gallup interviewed more than 1,000 people belonging to the country’s top four political parties during the poll held in April 5 to April 11. The results might have a margin error of 3 per cent, said the TNS Gallup.
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