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Home BUSINESSApple did not infringe Google patent: US trade panel
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Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 12:05:50 AM
FTimes News Desk, April 24

Electronics manufacturer Apple did not infringe the search engine company Google's patent for preparing the iPhone smart phones.

The U.S. International Trade Commission gave the decision, news agency STT reported quoting Reuters.
Apple was accused of infringing on six patents for iPhone-related technology, which prevents the phone speaker from activating accidentally other functions. 
If Apple would have violated the patent, the phones in the entry in the United States could have been prevented. 
“We are disappointed at the decision and assess options,” Google's release said. 
Apple spokesman, however, declined to comment on the Commission's decision.
Google's Android has become the world's most widely used smart-phone operating system. Apple's iOS is the second most popular.
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