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Home BUSINESSRising food prices accelerate inflation
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Mon, 17 Jun, 2013 12:00:51 AM
FTimes Report, June 17
Photo - Lehtikuva.
The rising prices of essential commodities, particularly food items, accelerated inflation rate further in the country in the last month, according to Statistics Finland.
The inflation in consumer prices in the country stood at 1.6 percent in May, which was 1.5 per cent in April, said the Statistics Finland report released recently.
The report said that the consumer prices were pushed up clearly by increased prices of food.
Food prices went up mostly due to higher prices of vegetables, meat, fruit and dairy products, said the report.
The high price of ready-made food items in restaurants and increased rate of house rents also affected the inflation during the month of May.
The report, however, said that consumer prices were curbed most in May by fallen interest rates and prices of telecommunication services and entertainment electronics during the period of April –May 2013 compared to the stipulated period of 2012.
Photo - STR/Lehtikuva.
The report also said the rate of inflation in the euro area accelerated to 1.4 per cent in May. In April, it was 1.2 per cent. The corresponding figure for Finland was 2.5 per cent in May.
Eurostat estimate the inflation rate in the euro area is based on preliminary data from the Member States and on the price development of energy.
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