Source: Statistics Finland.
The greenhouse gas emissions in energy supply were almost one-third of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the total economy in 2011, according to the Statistics Finland.
The share of manufacturing was one-fourth, that of transportation and storage 16 per cent, that of agriculture and forestry 11 per cent and that of households eight per cent.
The statistics on emissions into air by industry are part of environmental accounts, where the main principle is to describe the interaction between the environment and the economy.
In the statistics, emissions are presented according to the industrial classification used in national accounts. In this way, the data on emissions into air can be directly connected to various monetary variables of national accounts, such as total output and value added.
Data on emissions into air by industry can also be connected to data on environmental taxes by industry.
The statistics on emissions into air by industry are calculated according to the EU Regulation on environmental accounts. Finland reports the data for the years 2008 to 2011 to the EU for the first time at the end of September. In future, the data will be reported annually.
Differing from the greenhouse gas inventory and greenhouse gas reporting, the statistics on emissions into air by industry also contain Finnish citizens' emissions from land,
water and air transport abroad. But, emissions by foreign citizens from transport on Finnish territory are subtracted.
Due to definitional differences, the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions by industry is annually some three to five per cent higher than in the Greenhouse Gas Inventory reported to the UNFCCC.
Emissions into air by industry groups 2011, tonnes
Greenhouse gases (CO2-foss, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6) CO2-eq. 1) 2) 3) |
Biomass carbon dioxide (CO2-bio) |
Nitrous oxide (N2O) |
Methane (CH4) |
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) |
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) |
Carbon monoxide (CO) |
A 01, 03 Agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, hunting |
7 324 352 |
629 885 |
12 872 |
90 661 |
1 126 |
8 773 |
15 418 |
A 02 Forestry |
308 478 |
7 735 |
9 |
88 |
2 |
1 237 |
7 031 |
B Mining and quarrying |
304 321 |
791 |
4 |
7 |
149 |
945 |
395 |
C 10 - 12 Food industry, etc. |
254 877 |
27 617 |
11 |
9 |
858 |
564 |
185 |
C 16, 17 Forest industry |
3 666 899 |
18 269 894 |
316 |
393 |
4 894 |
18 940 |
21 728 |
C 19, 20 Oil refining and manufacture of chemicals |
5 330 488 |
129 691 |
660 |
731 |
11 913 |
7 589 |
24 606 |
C 24, 25 Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products |
5 919 039 |
983 |
33 |
456 |
8 486 |
4 517 |
6 743 |
C 13 - 15, 18, 21 - 23, 26 - 33 Other industries |
1 725 329 |
16 727 |
23 |
29 |
1 044 |
4 527 |
350 |
D Energy management |
21 394 228 |
8 629 440 |
972 |
898 |
25 691 |
35 883 |
14 007 |
E Water supply and waste management |
2 455 477 |
68 984 |
534 |
93 128 |
39 |
1 314 |
1 933 |
F Construction |
1 857 992 |
54 516 |
67 |
104 |
101 |
11 373 |
8 515 |
G Trade |
168 795 |
25 908 |
7 |
40 |
120 |
617 |
2 178 |
H 49 Land transport |
4 157 650 |
193 261 |
206 |
1 357 |
98 |
18 062 |
12 822 |
H 50 Water transport |
3 074 485 |
93 893 |
81 |
264 |
22 792 |
56 501 |
5 830 |
H 51 Air transport |
3 672 461 |
11 106 |
138 |
89 |
812 |
9 670 |
9 981 |
H 52, 53 Support activities for transportation, postal activities |
573 561 |
31 762 |
25 |
91 |
64 |
2 096 |
14 744 |
L Real estate activities |
625 108 |
158 242 |
21 |
193 |
856 |
1 530 |
20 160 |
I - K, M - S Other service activities and administration |
1 534 972 |
113 710 |
64 |
199 |
352 |
5 494 |
26 167 |
Households |
5 692 083 |
5 744 531 |
293 |
11 281 |
1 987 |
20 343 |
261 843 |
70 040 605 |
34 208 675 |
16 335 |
200 018 |
81 383 |
209 976 |
454 635 |
1) Greenhouse gases: fossil carbon dioxide (CO2-fos), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), perfluorocarbon (PFC), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
2) Greenhouse gases do not include organic carbon dioxide. In the greenhouse gas inventory, organic carbon dioxide emissions are reported in the land use, land-use change and forestry sector, where the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by forest or other vegetation is also taken into account in the net emissions.
3) CO2 equivalent has been calculated for methane, nitrous oxide and F-gases using GWP multipliers of the IPCC's 2nd assessment report.
Source: Emissions into air by industry 2011, Statistics Finland.