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Home BUSINESSFinnprotein faces workers' unrest
Sat, 19 Apr, 2014 12:09:57 AM
FTimes-STT Report, April 19
Finnproteinin soybean refinery plant in Uusikaupunki on April 16, 2014. Photo –Str / Lehtikuva.
Finnprotein's soy processing plant in Uusikaupunki is facing yet another labour unrest just six months into its operations. 
The employees of the industrial unit went on strike four times in the winter in demand of pay hikes, factory sources said.
The initial phase of the soya processing plant has become entangled in the strikes, said the factory authorities.
"We have reached an agreement on the wages and the factory is running. Now the co-determination talks are underway," said Finnprotein Production Director Ari Kulmala.
Finnprotein employs about 70 people. The outcome of the negotiations threatens to lay off workers and dismiss a maximum of 10 employees.
The plant will reach full production capacity from the beginning of summer onwards.
The plant manufactures different products from soybean.
The products are mainly used in the animal feed industry, said Kulmala. Some of the products also end up as foodstuffs.
Almost the entire plant is Finnish owned and the major owners are Pontos, the Finnish Industry Investment, and Varma and Etera.
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