Tue, 20 May, 2014 03:44:22 AM FTimes-STT Report, May 20
Suomen terveysravinne Oy has been issued with a marketing ban.
The company was issued with a marketing ban on dietary supplements after it emerged that it had been conducting a misleading advertising campaign.
According to the Finland's Consumer Ombudsman,the company did not clearly tell bindings of the subscription as well cost of the order during the telemarketing.
The telemarketers did emphasize on the low cost order and that the trial subscription did not bind the client to anything.
What they did not tell is that the consumer is bound to a fixed term subscription agreement that guarantees automatic supply unless he specifically cancels further orders.
The product has branded as 'Kehon vartija' equivalent to 'body guard' has been marketed at least for the past year and the beginning of this year.
The company has also been slapped with a 100 000 euro fine.
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