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Home BUSINESSCleaning of Rautaruukki oil spill continues
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Mon, 02 Jun, 2014 12:00:33 AM
FTimes-STT Report, June 2
Photo - Lehtikuva.
The Jokilaaksojen department of emergency services claims that four beaches have been polluted by the oil spill from the Rautaruukki steel company plant in Raahe.
According to the rescue services, oil-polluted beaches have been found in Kumpele, Selkämatala, Vesimatala and Iso-Kraaseli.
Preventive efforts by permanent employees of the emergency services together with contracted ones will continue until midnight, said Juhani Meistamo, chief fire fighter on duty.
“We will continue in the morning and we are trying to get support from voluntary organisations and Defence Forces so that we can get the beaches clean quickly,” said Meistamo.
There are many summer cottages in Iso-Kraaseli, mentioned Meistamo. He also warns that it is not advisable to go swimming in oily clumped places.
Oil is dense in the rocky beaches and, according to Meistamo, the cleaning work is laborious.
“Light oil, for example, can penetrate through the surface. But this is a little bit insidious substance,” he said, adding that the effect of the spill could manifest in unpredictable places this summer.
The oil spill at the Rautaruukki Raahe plant took place on Friday after a maintenance work on a power plant boiler.
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