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Home BUSINESSNational economy output falls in November
Sat, 17 Jan, 2015 12:01:30 AM
FTimes Report, Jan 17
Volume of total output 2005 to 2014, trend and seasonally adjusted series. Source: Trend Indicator of Output 2014 November, Statistics Finland.
Seasonally adjusted output of the national economy decreased by 0.5 per cent in November 2014 from the month before, according to Statistics Finland.
Adjusted for working days, the output, however, went up by 0.9 per cent from the level of November 2013.
November 2014 had one working day less than the corresponding month of the previous year.
The working day correction affected the growth figures of November considerably as, according to the original series, output of the national economy decreased by 1.7 per cent from one year ago in November.
Working day adjusted change of total output from previous year’s corresponding month, %. Source: Trend Indicator of Output 2014 November, Statistics Finland.
Working day adjusted output increased in October by 1.2 per cent from October 2013, the revised data show. 
Primary production went up by close to one per cent and services by two per cent from November 2013. Primary production refers to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.
By contrast, secondary production that includes manufacturing and construction decreased by two per cent year-on-year, according to the statistics.
Services comprise trade, hotel and restaurant activities, transport and business activities, as well as real estate, renting and research services, financial intermediation and insurance, and public services.
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