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Home BUSINESSWind power production grows by 43%
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Thu, 22 Jan, 2015 12:03:28 AM
FTimes-Xinhua Report, Jan 22


Last year witnessed a rapid growth of wind power production in Finland, said the Finnish Wind Power Association on Wednesday.

The association said in a press release that the total production of wind power in Finland exceeded 1 billion kilowatt hours in 2014, which grew by 43 percent compared to the previous year.

The wind generated electricity in Finland last year was equivalent to the annual electricity consumed by more than 500,000 two-room flats, said the press release.

Over the past year, 59 new wind power plants with a total capacity of 184 megawatts were constructed.

However, the current proportion of wind power in the total electricity consumption in Finland accounts for only 1.3 percent.


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