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Home BUSINESSFinland's stance on Greek bailout unchanged: PM
Fri, 23 Jan, 2015 12:09:22 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Jan 23

Prime Minister Alexander Stubb on Thursday said Finland's policy toward Greece's loan arrangement remains unchanged.

According to Stubb, Finland is not going to offer debt forgiveness on the loans issued.

In a telephone interview from Davos, the premier said that the country has been very flexible and showed solidarity towards Greece.

The premier added that conditions set for Greece to get loan are already very inexpensive and there is no need to make changes at this stage.

Financial Times reported on Thursday that Finland was open to Greece's debt renegotiation on the basis of a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos.

Stubb said the interpretation by Financial Times was completely their own.

"We are prepared to discuss in which way "dirty exit" would be evaded, that is the same message as was in Financial Times interview and earlier during Prime Minister’s interview hour," said Stubb.

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