Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 12:05:45 AM FTimes Report, Jan 27 Producer Price Index (PPI) 2010=100, 1/2010–12/2014. Source: Producer Price Index 2014, December. Statistics Finland. The producer prices for manufactured products fell by an average of 1.8 per cent from December 2013 to December 2014 due to reductions in the prices of oil products, electricity, and iron and steel during the period.
According to Statistics Finland, the producer prices for manufactured products sold on the domestic market went down by 1.9 per cent, while the producer prices of export products fell by 1.7 per cent.
Producer prices for manufactured products went down especially due to reductions in the prices of oil products, electricity, and iron and steel from last year's December.
The fall in producer prices was slowed down, in particular, by higher prices of manufacturing of basic metals.
The export price index fell by 1.8 per cent and the import price index by 5.1 per cent in the year. The Basic Price Index for Domestic Supply went down by 2.7 per cent.
The Basic Price Index for Domestic Supply including taxes fell by 2.5 per cent.
From November to December, producer prices for manufactured products fell by 1.4 per cent. The fall was mainly due to decreased prices of oil products from the previous month, according to the Statistics Finland.
Producer Price Indices 2010=100, December 2014
Producer Price Indices 1949=100, December 2014
Source: Producer Price Index 2014, December. Statistics Finland. More News