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Home BUSINESSNordea, OP Pohjola not to impose deposit fee
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Fri, 30 Jan, 2015 12:02:35 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Jan 30
Nordea sign. Photo – Lehtikuva.
Nordea and OP Pohjola on Wednesday ruled out rumours of imposing deposit fees for banks’ customers.
Ari Kaperi, Nordea's senior executive for Finland in a release said the bank does not have any plan to begin charging fee on deposits from their customers.
According to the company, Nordea Bank AB’s chief executive officer Christian Clausen’s interview with news agency Bloomberg on Wednesday was to some extent misinterpreted.
OP Pohjola bank. Photo – Lehtikuva.
Denmark's central bank deposit rate is zero as well as in the euro zone. In Denmark, some institutional investors pay deposit fees according to guidelines of Denmark's central bank, Nordea pointed out.
Similarly OP Pohjola wished to allay fears of a deposit fee.
Jussi Huttunen, excutive vice president at OP Pohjola Group told news agency STT that there is no plan to introduce deposit fee.
"Hopefully this does lead to that kind of debate whether to have money in your hands or money at the bank. Money in the bank is always the safe choice," said Hutunen.
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