Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSTalvivaara granted time for reorganisation
Sat, 31 Jan, 2015 02:33:22 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Jan 31
The deadline is extended until March 13 by the District Court of Espoo, confirmed the company in a release.
Talvivaara said it is evaluating the possibilities of participating in the operations of a new mining company in connection with the bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo deciding on the sale of Sotkamo mine to a new operator.
Talvivaara’s ability to continue with its operations and the content of the supplemented reorganisation programme will be based on the role that the company may have in the future operations of the mine.
This potential role can only be defined when the Talvivaara Sotkamo bankruptcy estate has agreed on the sale of the mine and the identity of the future operator is known, said the release. 
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