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Home BUSINESSWater leakage snaps Olkiluoto 2 operations
Fri, 06 Feb, 2015 12:05:03 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Feb 6

Operations at one of the Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) nuclear power plant units had to be stopped on Wednesday evening.

TVO confirmed that Olkiluoto 2 nuclear power plant unit was disconnected from the national grid at about 4:00pm after water leakage had been detected from the water-cooled generator. 

TVO reaffirmed that fault was electrical and had no effect on nuclear safety.

“These small production disruptions happen every now and then,” said Pasi Tuohimaa, head of communications at TVO.

According to TVO, Olkiluoto 1 nuclear power plant is operating normally.

The electricity produced by Olkiluoto 2 corresponds on average to just under 10 per cent of electricity consumed in the country.


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