Volume of total output 2005 to 2015, trend and seasonally adjusted series. Source: Trend Indicator of Output 2015 January, Statistics Finland.
Seasonally adjusted output grew by 1.5 per cent in January 2015 from the month before. Adjusted for working days, the output was 0.7 per cent higher than in January 2014, according to Statistics Finland’s revised data.
The working day correction affected the growth figures of January considerably as, according to the original series, output of the national economy decreased by 1.4 per cent from one year ago in January. This was largely because January 2015 had one working day less than January 2014.
The working-day adjusted output decreased in December 2014 by 1.1 per cent from December 2013, the data show.

Working day adjusted change of total output from previous year’s corresponding month, %. Source: Trend Indicator of Output 2015 January, Statistics Finland.
Services went up by one per cent from January 2014 while primary and secondary production remained at last year's level.
Secondary production includes manufacturing and construction and the primary production refers to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.
Services comprise trade, hotel and restaurant activities, transport and business activities, as well as real estate, renting and research services, financial intermediation and insurance, and public services.