Tue, 14 Apr, 2015 12:03:01 AM FTimes – STT Report, April 14
They would rather emphasize benefits, such as sickness and maternity allowances, basic unemployment and labour market support, than earnings-related benefits, such as housing or income support. The Social Barometer survey has been conducted since 1991. The answers were collected at the end of 2014. Nearly four out of five respondents regarded the overall situation of welfare as fair or good. Since 1997, the welfare of the population, according to the Social Barometer, has steadily improved. After 2013, though, the views on welfare suffered a slight decline. The Social Barometer is commissioned by SOSTE, the Finnish Social and Health Association, which is a national umbrella organisation. It brings together more than 200 social and health care organisations, as well as dozens of other cooperative member parties.
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