Wed, 29 Apr, 2015 01:29:50 AM FTimes Report, April 29
The three-day event beginning from September 8 would address how to mitigate the impacts of climate change and the other pressing environmental concerns and to succeed and take effective steps towards a better future with clean technologies. The Global Cleantech Summit is a process and platform for corporate directors, political decision-makers, investors, researchers and all stakeholders to discuss the opportunities that cleantech solutions can provide, according to the release. “Clean technologies provide us with a key to a more sustainable world. Catalysing linkages between investors, decision-makers and cleantech companies to form international roadmaps and potential business partnerships is crucial in making a lasting change. We have to work together to solve the challenges,” comments Jan Vapaavuori, Minister of Economic Affairs in Finland. One of the keynote speakers at the Summit is Dr. Anil K Gupta, widely regarded as one of the world's leading experts on strategy and globalization. Thinkers50 has named him as one of the world's 50 most influential management thinkers. Other confirmed keynote speakers include among others Pekka Ojanpää, CEO of Lassila & Tikanoja, Per Langer, Executive Vice President of Fortum and Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director General, DG GROW, European Commission. The Summit on 8 September will discuss global transformation, value chains and business co-operation. The Conference on 9 September will continue discussions in global industrial revolution and division of labour. The afternoon sessions will review the same from different angles like global value chains, key enabling technologies, future mobility and will also give insight to the cleantech success stories from around the globe. Challenges and opportunities in the minerals sector will be addressed on 10 September at the Cleantech Innovations in Minerals Production Conference. Issues relevant in the Arctic are given a special attention. Various company visits will take place on 10 and 11 September. “Finland has successfully facilitated in a number of international dialogues. We want to transfer the process also in technological issues by facilitating open discussion on the sustainability and global roadmaps,” says Kaisu Annala, Director of the governmental Cleantech strategic programme. The Global Cleantech Summit process has commenced online through interactive brainstorming to discuss challenges. Interactive virtual brainstorming towards the forum is currently underway and the process will culminate in the summit. Aimed at catalysing linkages between all interest groups to form international roadmaps and potential business partnerships, the event is coordinated by The Finnish Ministry of Employment and Economy, and executed with multiple partners representing the forefront of clean technologies in Finland. More News