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Home BUSINESSInflation falls to -0.2% in April
Fri, 15 May, 2015 12:36:51 AM
FTimes Report, May 15
The year-on-year change in consumer prices fell to -0.2 per cent in April, according to Statistics Finland’s data.
The inflation stood at -0.1 per cent in March.
Compared to April 2014, inflation remained negative due to fallen prices of liquid fuels, detached houses and interest rates, the data show.
Consumer prices rose in April most by increases in rents, maintenance charges and tobacco prices from one year ago.
Compared to one year ago, the biggest decreases were in the consumer prices of liquid fuels, detached houses and used cars.
Consumer prices changed by 0.0 per cent from March to April. During the month, the rise was most in the consumer prices of petrol and dental fees.
The biggest fall was in the consumer prices of prescription medicines and interests on consumer credits.
The rate of inflation in the euro area was 0.0 per cent in April, according to the preliminary data on the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices.
In March it stood at -0.1 per cent. 
The corresponding figure for Finland was -0.1 per cent in April as per the statistics.

Inflation indicators in Finland, april 2015


  Point figure Annual change (%) Monthly change (%)
Consumer Price Index 2010=100 108,9 -0,2 0,0
Cost-of-living Index 1951:10=100 1 908    
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices 2005=100 121,9 -0,1 0,0
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices at Constant Taxes 2005=100 118,4 -0,3 0,0

Source: Consumer Price Index, Statistics Finland.

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