Sat, 12 Sep, 2015 01:29:33 AM
The growth in the pays was fastest in the construction (4.7 %). In July alone the wages and salaries sum of the whole economy grew by 2.5 per cent from one year ago, the statistics show. There was one Friday more in July 2015 than in July 2014, which boosted the growth of the wages and salaries sum in several industries.
In May to July period one year ago, the wages and salaries sum of the whole economy increased by 0.3 per cent.
In addition to construction, the wages and salaries sum also increased in other services by 2.9 %, private health and social work by 2.7 %, financial intermediation 2.2% and trade by 0.9%. In July alone the wages and salaries sum of the private sector grew by 4.7 per cent and fell by 0,7 per cent in the public sector.
In the May to July period one year ago, the wages and salaries sum grew by 0.9 per cent in the private sector and fell by 0.1 per cent in the public sector from one year back. More News