Fri, 02 Oct, 2015 12:26:47 AM FTimes Report, Oct 2 General government’s net financial assets. Source: General government financial accounts, Statistics Finland. General government's net financial assets amounted to EUR 122.2 billion at the end of the second quarter of 2015, according to Statistics Finland’s data.
During the quarter, general and local government's net financial assets, i.e. difference between their financial assets and liabilities, grew by a total of EUR 2.4 billion.
Employment pension schemes' net financial assets, however, contracted by EUR 2.8 billion.
General government's net financial assets decreased by EUR 0.4 billion as per the data derived from general government financial accounts.
Central government's net financial assets remained almost on level with the previous quarter, standing at EUR -59.4 billion at the end of the quarter.
The net financial assets of employment pension schemes and other social security funds declined by EUR 2.8 billion in the second quarter.
At the end of the period, the difference between assets and liabilities was EUR 182.6 billion. In the quarter, holding gains did not continue growing, the statistics show.
Just like in the previous quarter, employment pension schemes' net investments in both mutual fund shares and quoted shares were negative.
By contrast, employment pension schemes' investments in deposits grew.
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