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Home BUSINESS7 of 10 EU regions recording highest share of industry locate in Germany: Eurostat
Sat, 10 Oct, 2015 12:00:49 AM
FTimes- Xinhua Report Oct. 10
Industrial activities that contribute most to the regional GDP are largely concentrated in central Europe, Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU, said Friday.
     According to its regional yearbook, a relatively high contribution of industrial activities was largely concentrated in a cluster of regions that spreads over southern Germany, Czech Republic (apart from the capital region), up into Poland, and down through regions of Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia.
     A majority of regions in Bulgaria and Romania also had a very high share of industrial gross value added.
     A relatively high share of regional gross value added (above 30 percent) is also generated by industrial activities in peripheral regions of other member states, the report says.
     Among the 10 EU regions recording the highest share of industry in the total gross value added of their economy, seven were located in Germany and one each in Poland, Bulgaria and the Netherlands.
     By contrast, the contribution of industry to total gross value added was relatively low in capital regions and a number of regions that may be characterized as tourist destinations, especially prevalent around the Mediterranean coast.
     There were no regions in Denmark and France, as well as in Cyprus, Latvia and Luxembourg where industry represented more than 30 percent of the total gross value added.
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