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Home BUSINESSNew orders in manufacturing fall by 7.0% in November
Sat, 09 Jan, 2016 12:04:43 AM
FTimes Report, Jan 9
Annual change in new orders in manufacturing (orginal series), % (TOL2008). Source: New orders in manufacturing 2015, November. Statistics Finland.
The value of new orders in manufacturing was 7.0 per cent lower in November 2015 than twelve months earlier, according to Statistics Finland’s data.
During January to November, orders grew by 1.2 per cent year-on-year.
In November, enterprises in all manufacturing industries received fewer orders than twelve months ago.
In the textile industry, orders decreased by 4.5 per cent and in the metal industry by 6.0 per cent.
Change in new orders in manufacturing 11/2014– 11/2015 (TOL2008). Source: New orders in manufacturing 2015, November. Statistics Finland.
In the industry of the manufacture of paper and paper board products, the orders fell by 8.2 per cent and in the chemical industry by 9.7 per cent year-on-year, the statistics show.
The index of new orders in manufacturing describes development in the value of new orders received by enterprises for commodities and services that are meant to be produced by establishments located in Finland.
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