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Home BUSINESSExperts miss statement submission deadline
Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 12:01:15 AM
Govt’s competitive package
FTimes – STT Report, Jan 12
Leaders of three-party alliance government at a press conference on social negotiation package. File Photo Lehtikuva.
Five of the six constitutional experts asked to submit their statements on the government’s competitive package have failed to do so by the deadline that expired on Monday.
Only one expert, Hanken School of Economics Professor Niklas Bruun, made a statement in response to the request made by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
The ministry’s communication department said the deadline will not be extended.
One of the six experts, professor Niklas Bruun presented his statement on social package. File Photo Lehtikuva.
Some of the experts are reported to have said that they do not want their hand getting tied by a written statement in the event they are asked to appear before the Parliamentary Constitutional Committee.
The schedule was also considered too tight, because the legislative package from the perspective of the constitution entails challenging issues.
The government is expected to place the competitive package before parliament in February. 
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