Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSOwner-occupied housing expenditures slightly up in 2015 Q3
Wed, 13 Jan, 2016 12:04:35 AM
FTimes Report, Jan 13
Indices of owner-occupied housing prices 2010=100. Source: Indices of owner-occupied housing prices, Statistics Finland.
The housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings increased by 0.9 per cent in the third quarter of 2015 from the respective quarter of 2014, according to Statistics Finland’s preliminary data.
The price of buying a dwelling remained unchanged from the corresponding period.
Compared with the previous quarter, the housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings rose by 0.6 per cent and purchasing of dwellings became 0.3 per cent cheaper, the statistics show.
Statistics Finland's indices of owner-occupied housing prices consist of two index series.
The index is based on the data in the statistics on prices of units in housing companies and real estate prices.
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