Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSDock workers walkout protesting coercive measures
Sat, 23 Jan, 2016 01:36:58 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Jan 23

About 3,500 employees of Arctech Helsinki Shipyard on Friday staged a walkout in protest against the proposed coercive legislative measures.

The shipyard steward Ilpo Haaja said the planned coercive legislative measures and the promotion of local labour agreements were the reasons behind the em-ployee’s walkout.

The demonstration, however, was not against the employer.

According to Haaja, the employees are not ready to accept any form of wage cuts.

The protest started in the afternoon and lasted for four hours. The normal activities at the shipyard resumed in the evening.

The labour market organisations this week announced their intention to revive the collapsed social contract negotiations.

The Friday's protest at the shipyard was, however, agreed before the announcement of the labour market organisation intention to get back to the negotiation table.

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