Thu, 28 Jan, 2016 12:00:06 AM FTimes- Xinhua Report, Jan 28
The European Commission said on Wednesday it is proposing a major overhaul of the so-called EU type approval framework to ensure car manufacturers comply strictly with all European Union (EU) safety, environmental and production requirements.
In a statement, the Commission said under current rules, national authorities are solely responsible for certifying that a vehicle meets all requirements to be placed on the market and for policing manufacturers' compliance with EU law.
However, the new proposals would make vehicle testing more independent and increase surveillance of cars already in circulation.
The Commission said it was already reviewing the EU type approval framework for motor vehicles prior to the Volkswagen revelations, and had since concluded on the need for more far-reaching reform to prevent cases of non-compliance from happening again.
It said Wednesday's proposal for a Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles complements efforts to introduce more robust emissions testing.
The draft Regulation would help reinforce the independence and quality of testing that allows a car to be placed on the market, introduce an effective market surveillance system to control the conformity of cars already in circulation, and reinforce the type approval system with greater European oversight, according to the commission.
The draft Regulation would be sent to the European Parliament and Council for adoption. Once adopted, it would be directly applicable, and would repeal and replace Directive 2007/46/EC, said the Commission.
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