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Home BUSINESSUnemployment rate ups to 9.2% in December
Thu, 28 Jan, 2016 12:06:43 AM
FTimes Report, Jan 28
Unemployment rate and trend of unemployment rate 2005/12–2015/12, persons aged 15–74. Source: Labour force survey 2015, December. Statistics Finland.
The unemployment rate in December 2015 was 9.2 per cent, having been 8.8 per cent in the year before.
The number of unemployed persons was 241,000, which was 9,000 higher than one year ago, according to Statistics Finland’s Labour Force Survey.
There were 25,000 fewer employed than in December of the previous year.
The unemployment rate in the fourth quarter was 8.7 per cent, which was 0.3 percentage points higher than in the respective quarter of 2014.
The unemployment rate In 2015was on average 9.4 per cent, having been 8.7 per cent in 2014.
In December 2015, the number of employed persons was 2,387,000, which was 25,000 lower than a year earlier. There were 13,000 fewer employed men and 12,000 fewer employed women than in December 2014, the data show.
In December 2015, the proportion of the employed among persons aged 15 to 64, stood at 66.9 per cent, having been 67.4 per cent one year earlier.
From last year’s December, men’s employment rate fell by 0.3 percentage points to 67.7 per cent and women’s by 0.6 percentage points to 66.2 per cent.
Adjusted for seasonal and random variation, the trend of the employment rate was 68.3 per cent as per statistics.
The number of unemployed men was 129,000 and that of women 112,000.
There were 1,481,000 persons in the inactive population in December 2015, which was 26,000 more than one year earlier. Of the inactive population, 154,000 persons were in disguised unemployment, which was 16,000 more than in December 2014.
At the end of December 2015, there were altogether 378,000 persons registered in accordance with the Employment Office Regulations as job seekers at the employment and economic development offices. The number of unemployed job seekers was 15,000 higher than in December 2014.

Changes in employment 2014/12 – 2015/12 according to Statistics Finland’s Labour Force Survey, population aged 15 to 74


  Year/Month Change
2014/12 2015/12 2014/12 - 2015/12
1000 persons Per cent, %
Population total 4 100 4 109 0,2
Active population total 2 645 2 628 –0,6
Employed 2 413 2 387 –1,0
– employees 2 061 2 045 –0,8
– self-employed persons and unpaid family workers 351 342 –2,6
Unemployed 232 241 3,8
Inactive population 1 455 1 481 1,8
– Persons in disguised unemployment 138 154 11,9
  Per cent, % Percentage points
Employment rate, persons aged 15 to 64 67,4 66,9 –0,5
Unemployment rate 8,8 9,2 0,4
Activity rate 64,5 64,0 –0,6
Unrounded figures are used in the Change column.
The data comply with the ILO/EU definition.


Changes in employment 2014/IV – 2015/IV according to Statistics Finland’s Labour Force Survey, population aged 15 to 74


  Year/Quarter Change
2014/IV 2015/IV 2014/IV - 2015/IV
1000 persons Per cent (%)
Active population total 2 640 2 643 0,1
Employed persons total 2 418 2 412 –0,2
Unemployed total 223 230 3,5
– men 126 126 –0,2
– women 96 104 8,3
Inactive population 1 459 1 465 0,4
– Persons in disguised unemployment 148 157 6,1
Unrounded figures are used in the Change column.
The data comply with the ILO/EU definition.


Changes 2014/12–2015/12 according to the Employment Service Statistics of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy


  Year/Month Change
2014/12 2015/12 2014/12 - 2015/12
1000 persons Per cent, %
Unemployed job seekers 1) 363 378 4,0
– unemployed over a year 99 118 19,9
Services, total 116 108 –7,5
– employed 35 19 –45,4
– in labour market training, in training 24 21 –11,7
– engaged in work/training trials 9 11 16,3
– as a job alternation substitute, in rehabilitative work, self-motivated studies supported by unemployment benefit 48 57 17,4
New vacancies at employment and economic development offices 30 35 18,9
Unrounded figures are used in the Change column.

1) The law reform that entered into force at the beginning of 2013 and the change in the lay-off procedure on 1 July increase the number of unemployed job seekers somewhat.

Source: Labour force survey 2015, December. Statistics Finland.

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