Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSTax office gets 10,864 fraud alerts in 2015
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Wed, 03 Feb, 2016 12:01:12 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Feb 3
File Photo – Lehtikuva.
The Tax Administration last year received through its hotline 10,864 tips of suspected tax frauds. 
According to the Tax Administration, the tips provided by citizens had sound basis and had not been given for malicious purposes.
“We are not seeing tips from the so-called ‘jealous neighbours.’ The majority relate to observations made, in which the tipper personally comes across a clue when dealing with a business,” said Tax Administration Chief Inspector Heimo Säkkinen.
The tips come in steadily from all of the country in proportion with population. Most tips are related to restaurants, sales of goods or construction. The number of tips regarding online sales rose last year.
The online tip form was introduced in January 2015.
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