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Home BUSINESSFinland retains Moody's triple A credit rating
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Sat, 06 Feb, 2016 03:27:31 AM
FTimes-Xinhua Report, Feb 6

Credit Rating Agency Moody's on Friday kept Finland in its highest possible rating AAA.

Finnish analysts had expected a downgrade by Moody's as tangible. However, last week both an OECD report on Finland and a local group assigned to appraise the economy

stated that the Finnish government's economic policy was heading in the right direction.

The credit rating of Finland was hit in October 2014 when Standard & Poor's (S&P) downgraded Finnish government long term loans from AAA to AA+.

In September 2015 S&P kept the AA+, but changed the outlook from stable to negative.

Fitch Ratings kept Finland in AAA with a negative outlook in September last year.

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