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Home BUSINESSMinistry terms Customs DG suspension unjustified
Tue, 09 Feb, 2016 12:06:58 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Feb 9
Antti Hartikainen, The Director General of Customs. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The suspension of the Customs Director General Antti Hartikainen is not justified, said the Ministry of Finance on Monday. 
The decision took into account, according to the ministry, the suspected crime, discussions with the police and interrogation of the Customs’ boss.
According to the Civil Service Act, the procedure was initiated when the Ministry of Finance had been informed by the police of a breach of secret communications and violation of official duty relating to criminal suspicions at the Customs.
The suspicion relates an email which the head director sent to a wrong recipient by mistake. 
Hartikainen asked for the recipient to delete the message and not forward it. However, the content of the message had already been forwarded to a third Customs employee.
Hartikainen is suspected of having acquired information through email corre-spondence, violation of secret communications and a breach of duty.
The Customs itself initiated the criminal complaint against the Director General.
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