Tue, 26 Jul, 2016 12:54:47 AM FTimes Report, Jul 26 Producer Price Indices for Services 2010=100, I/2010–II/2016. Source: Producer Price Indices for Services 2016, 2nd quarter. Statistics Finland. Producer prices for services went up by 0.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2016 from the corresponding quarter of the year before, according to Statistics Finland.
Producer prices for services were pushed up particularly by higher prices of management consulting services and postal activities under universal service obligation from the year before.
The increase in the total index was also affected by higher prices of hotel accommodation.
The rise was held back by lower prices of freight transport by road, sea and coastal freight water transport and rents of business premises, according to the data for the April to July period.
Compared to the first quarter, producer prices for services remained unchanged, on average.
Producer Price Indices for Services describe the price development in business services provided by enterprises to other enterprises and the public sector.
The total index currently covers 57 per cent of the market services.
Producer Price Indices for Services 2010=100, 2nd quarter 2016
Source: Producer Price Indices for Services 2016, 2nd quarter. Statistics Finland. More News