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Home BUSINESSVeli-Matti Mattila nominated for EK Chair
Sat, 08 Oct, 2016 12:01:42 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Oct 8

The Confederation of Finnish Industries-EK election committee has proposed the chair of board of telecommunication company Elisa Veli-Matti Mattila as its new president.

EK representatives will elect the new president at a meeting scheduled for November 29.

Mattila will succeed Kone Corporation’s former CEO Matti Alahuhta.

Mattila has been the CEO of Elisa since 2003. He has been in the EK's board from 2004 to 2006 as well as from 2015.

EK board pointed out that Mattila is a leader with a strong experience in both the digital and global environment of operations.

He is well positioned to continue with EK's as well as Finland's reform work, said the election committee.

Previously the position of EK's presidency had been for industrial representatives. Mattila's background is in the service sector.

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