Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSShoppers happy with extended opening hours
Wed, 12 Oct, 2016 12:00:47 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Oct 12

Finnish Commerce Federation Chairman Taavi Heikkilä predicts that shop opening hours will stretch further in the future. 

“Customers have shown their will to shop also during the new hours,” said Heikkilä, who is also the chair of SOK Corporation.

One could expect these hours to stay and increase at some point.

According to Heikkilä, the elongation of opening hours could go in every direction depending on whether there will be enough customers.

“I would not believe that the hours would take any steps back,” said Heikkilä. 

The federation published a report on the effects of shops’ opening hours on Tuesday.

According to the results, some day other businesses than service stations and the grocery store Siwa at the heart of Helsinki might remain open throughout the day.

According to the survey, about 80 per cent of those who have not shopped during the new opening hours find the change good.

Roughly 60 percent of customers have made use of the new hours during the evening or especially in the weekends.

“Weekend customers have been the happiest about new opening hours,” said the federation’s Head Economist Jaana Kurjenoja.

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