Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSFinland ranks 2nd in economic proficiency
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Thu, 13 Oct, 2016 02:38:15 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Oct 13
Finns are well versed in matters related to economics, according to a recent study by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Finland ranked second in the study after France. The study examined 30 countries of which 17 are OECD member countries.
The criteria of economic literacy used in the study are based on economic knowledge, behaviour and attitudes. According to the study, Finland scored high in all those three areas.
The Finnish results are based on a study conducted by the universities of Vaasa and Tampere.
Economic illiteracy according to OECD is a global problem. Of particular concern, according to OECD, is people lack of knowledge on matters such as interest rates and diversification of investments.
OECD strives to promote economic growth and sustainable development.
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