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Home BUSINESSEmployers now keen to hire new workers
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Wed, 16 Nov, 2016 02:06:36 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Nov 16


Finnish companies’ enthusiasm to hire new employees is now at its highest in the last three years, found a Deloitte/SEB CFO survey.
Almost a third of Finnish respondents believe they will hire more employees in the next six months.
Finnish economic leaders are for the first time concerned about the availability of skilled workforce other than the cost of hiring new employees.
The respondents’ economic outlook of the future is more positive than in same period last year.
On the other hand, the impending Britain’s exit from the EU worries nearly one in two respondents.
“Finland’s economic growth is still modest; however, economic recovery is expected, and some promising signs of accelerating growth can be seen,” said Deloitte’s CFO Programme Leader Tuomo in statement.

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