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Home BUSINESSOulu’s Paras Biopharma gets EU quality award
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Thu, 15 Dec, 2016 09:14:28 PM
FTimes Report, Dec 15
Photo Source Paras website.
The European Society for Quality Research (ESQR, Switzerland) on December 12 awarded the Oulu-based Paras Biopharmaceuticals the Quality Choice Prize 2016.
Paras Biopharmaceuticals is a privately-held Finnish company in Oulu focused on developing biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies for biosimilars and long therapeutic peptides.
Considering its products and its continuous drive to push the limits of quality with innovations, the ESQR handed over its Quality Choice Prize 2016 in Berlin in the presence of international business community for its commitment to quality, excellence, and continuous improvement and its hard work and achievements.
“This award is yet another testament to the good work and dedication of all employees of Paras Biopharmaceuticals,” said Paras Biopharmaceuticals Global Strategy Alliance Director Dr Hans Söderlund who received the award during the ceremony in Berlin on behalf of the pharmaceutical company. “It is a continuation of the recognition of Paras Biopharmaceuticals’ operational efforts and performance,” he added.
Paras Biopharmaceuticals’ facilities are dedicated to the development, scale-up and GMP production of recombinant products and high-value recombinant enzymes. The company has successfully developed its Diabrid®Technology Platform for the development of biosimilars in specifically designed expression systems.
“Paras Biopharmaceuticals is making its best efforts for developing quality products and efficient technologies for the production of biosimilars in osteoporosis and diabetes,” said Paras Biopharmaceuticals CEO & Director: Biologics Dr Ashesh Kumar.
The ESQR based in Lausanne, Switzerland handles strategic questions in quality management and promotes quality culture and continuous improvement in quality through the annual conventions which serve as a global forum to perfect quality management techniques and provides an excellent networking opportunity for all participants.
The ESQR’s Quality Choice Prize recognises the companies, organisations, public administrations with ethics and initiatives that demonstrate exceptional success in quality management and that maximise the full potential of their services through quality-oriented practices.
The award takes a comprehensive look at the initiatives and strategies that business leaders implement in their companies and organisations. It also recognises the efforts of exceptional and talented employers and employees and provides motivation for continuous progress.
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