Finland Times

Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Thu, 03 Apr, 2014 02:35:05 AM

Decision to increase assistants for ministers criticised
  The decision to increase the number of assistants to the ministers has come under strong criticism.   Tuija Brax, head of the parliamentary Audit Committee, on Wednesday said she was surprised ... details
Thu, 03 Apr, 2014 02:55:02 AM
Postponement of meeting with Russia
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  Leaders of the opposition Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party) on Wednesday strongly criticised the minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade Alexander Stubb for the postponement of the annual economic meeting with Russia following ... details
Thu, 03 Apr, 2014 02:49:02 AM
  A draft law aimed at banning circumcision has received considerable support from the lawmakers in parliament, reported MTV.   Most of the members in the parliamentary Social Affairs and Health Committee ... details
Thu, 03 Apr, 2014 02:40:42 AM
People with foreign backgrounds more into crime
  A total of 424,800 offences were recorded by the police, customs and border guard in Finland in 2013 which is 640 less than the previous year, according to Statistics Finland.   In ... details
Thu, 03 Apr, 2014 03:00:10 AM
  Antti Törmänen will be the new coach of Helsinki based ice hockey team HIFK while Pekka Kangasalusta will become the assistant coach, according to Ilta-Sanomat, a Finnish language ... details
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