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Home NATIONALMan sentenced to 8 years imprisonment
Thu, 04 Jul, 2013 12:00:09 AM
Espoo gas station shooting
FTimes-STT Report, July 4
File photo, the Gas station in Espoo. Photo Lehtikuva
A man was sentenced to eight years imprisonment on charge of wounding one by gunshots at a gasoline refueling station in Espoo.
The Espoo district court on Wednesday awarded the punishment to Mertsi Dimitri Grönfors, 32 for attacking a 50-year-old person with firearms and convicted him for attempt to murder.
The convicted attacked the victim as a sequel to prior enmity and fired gunshot at the Leppävaara refueling station.
The court, in the verdict said the convict fired the victim to kill, although the victim survived luckily.
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