Thu, 25 Jul, 2013 12:00:37 AM FTimes Report, July 25 Population increase by month 2010–2013. Sources - Statistics Finland Migration from different parts of the world to Finland has given rise to the country’s population which by the end of June last stood at 5,436,678, the preliminary data of the Statistics Finland showed.
According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, over the January to June period, Finland's population increased by 10,000 persons, which is 340 less than the corresponding period of the previous year.
The main reason for the population increase was migration gain from abroad. The number of immigrants was 7,480 higher than that of emigrants. Natural population growth, or excess of births to deaths, was 2,520 persons.
According to the preliminary statistics for January to June period, 13,200 persons immigrated to Finland from abroad and 5,720 persons emigrated from Finland.
The number of immigrants was 290 and the number of emigrants was 410 lower than in the corresponding period of the previous year. In all, 3,820 of the immigrants and 3,920 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens.
During the first half-year period, 29,020 children were born, which is 620 fewer than in the corresponding period of 2012.
The number of deaths decreased by 150 from the year before and amounted to 26,500.
According to the preliminary data, the number of inter-municipal migrations totalled 117,890 by the end of June. Compared with the previous January to June period, the decrease in 2013 was 5,040 migrations, according to the municipal division. More News