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Home NATIONALPolice official to face trial for alleged power abuse
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Thu, 29 Aug, 2013 02:01:17 AM
Unlawful act by law enforcer
FTimes-STT Report, August 29

A police official has been accused of threatening a youth illegally at Kanta-Häme area early this summer abusing the power and is facing trial on charge of breaching service rule.

Kanta-Häme Public Prosecutor office in Järvenpää headquarters, after the initial investigation, decided to hold the prosecution in this regard, police sources said.
According to the allegation, the police official while conducting a patrol threatened the youth that he would beat him along with his colleague at the midnight so that there would be no witness of the incident.

The incident came into public when a video clip of the threat was released on Youtube immediately after the incident where the police official was found to threaten the youth.
Following the disclosure, the investigating team deposited the statement of another police official, who was in the patrol team along with the accused and decided to proceed for the trial in this regard.

“The case will proceed to prosecution,” said the head of the investigating team, Krista Soukola, adding that they need not any more requirements to start prosecution in this regard.
Krista Soukola said that the second member of the patrol team has been interrogated in this regard.


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