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Home NATIONALRuling parties agreed on structural reforms
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Fri, 30 Aug, 2013 04:33:52 AM
FTimes-STT Report, August 30
Leaders of the components of the alliance government held meeting at the official residence of the Prime Minister in Helsinki to discuss budget on reform structure. Photo - Lehtikuva.
The leaders of the components of the six-party alliance government on Thursday reached a consensus to finalise the structural reforms in the supplementary budget for the next year.
The Prime Minister, Jyrki Katainen and other ministers sat together with the leaders of the components of the alliance government at Prime Minister’s official residence to discuss the issue where they decided the tax dividend, cutting expenditure in defence purchase, state administration and decreasing the responsibility of municipal corporations, meeting sources said.
The meeting also planned for the national budget for the next year with a deficit of EUR 6.7 billion.
Terming the reform task as difficult, the Prime Minister Katainen said that it was also painful as 20,000 people are to lose jobs under the expenditure cut programme.
The reforms also will make the preschool compulsory.
The detail of the reform structure will be disclosed at a press conference on Friday, said sources.
Earlier, the alliance government on Wednesday agreed on the supplementary budget for the next year.
The government on August 23 made the supplementary budget for the year 2014 public.
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