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Home NATIONAL6,000 gold coins to be released
Wed, 04 Sep, 2013 03:51:37 AM
150th anniversary of Finnish parliament
FTimes-STT Report, September 4
Inside of Finnish Parliament. Photo - Lehtikuva
The Finnish parliament is going to celebrate its 150th founding anniversary this year.
The Central bank will release new coins including 6,000 gold coins marking the 150th anniversary.
Bank sources said that special coin of two euro will be released on Wednesday. Designed by Petri Neuvonen, the two-euro coin contains 1863 on one side while other side will remain same like the existing coin.
A total of one million coins will be released on the occasion.
The authority will also release 6,000 gold coins on September 17 and the price of every coin will be EUR 100. Designed by Reijo Paavilainen the gold coin will contain the crown
of Russian emperor while other side will contain the beginning of Finnish regime.
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