Thu, 05 Sep, 2013 12:04:14 AM FTimes-STT Report, September 5 ![]() File picture: Police check the identity of the woman in Helsinki on 12 August 2011. Photo - Lehtikuva. The major political parties in the country are in dilemma to decide whether the government should enact a law imposing ban on flesh trading in the country.
Although most of the parties have negative impression about the sex trade, they are still confused about making a clear decision in this regard, sources said.
The leaders of the Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance), Perussuomalainen (True Finns) and Ruotsalainen kansanpuolue-RKp (Swedish Peoples’ Party in Finland ) observed that there was no common opinions among the party men on the issue, although the RKp took decision in favour of imposing ban on sex trade in 2012.
Most of the leaders of the three parties believe that it is a matter of a conscience and imposing ban would not be a proper solution, if the mind set is not changed.
The Kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats) and Vihreät (Green Party), however, have clear opinion on the issue where Vihreät opposed any law against the sex trade and Kristillisdemokraatit against the flesh trading.
Leaders of the Keskusta (Centre Party) also opposed complete ban on the sex trade as they are worried that the ban would make situation worse for the prostitutes and it would not be successfulto stop the prostitution.
The biggest two parties- Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party) and Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party) – leaders also have no common opinion that whether the flesh trading needs to stop through enacting law.
Police in mid August detected that an international organised gang comprising three Estonian women of Russian origin and two Finnish men were allegedly involved in flesh trade in Finland since early 2011.
The issue became public on August 19 when the prosecution of the case began at the Pirkanmaa district court in presence of the accused.
The documents of the case said that the gang involving more than 50 women in prostitution conducted the flesh trading from January 2011 to March 2013 at more than 30 apartments in different parts of the country.
The accused rented houses at Tampere, Lahti, Hämeenlinna, Jyväskylä, Turku, Joensuu, Kuopio, Seinäjoki, Mikkeli and Varkaus during the period and the Finnish men reportedly gained EUR 300,000 profit by organising the business in Finland, according to the preliminary investigation of the case.
They rented every apartment at EUR 560 to EUR 600 per week and changed the places frequently to get suitable areas for prostitution and avoid police.
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