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Home NATIONALMajority Finns oppose establishment in Arctic Sea: Survey Report
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Tue, 05 Nov, 2013 03:59:04 AM
FTimes-STT Report, November 5
File Photo - Lehtikuva.
About 70 percent of the Finnish people supported that there should not be any establishment inside the environment protective areas in the Arctic Ocean, revealed a survey conducted by the pro-environment organisation Greenpeace.
According to the survey report, 17 percent of the respondents, however, did not support having any restricted zone in the Arctic Ocean.
The survey results said most of the respondents opposed oil drilling in the sea and 47 percent out of them wanted Finland to promote oil drilling ban in the Arctic Ocean while 37 percent opposed any idea of imposing ban.
Forty-five percent respondents viewed that the Finnish state-owned companies should not be involved in oil drilling operation in the sea.
The survey was based on interviews conducted with 1,000 Finnish people of 15-79 years of age in October and the margin of error was estimated about three per cent.
Earlier on September 18, Russian coastguards captured a Greenpeace ship named Arctic Sunrise along with 30 activists, when they staged demonstration against oil rigging by Gazprom in the sea. 
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